Quit The software was successfully installed. Restart You have installed software that requires you to restart your computer. Quit Restart You have installed software that suggests you restart your computer. Continue Restart If you are finished, click Restart to restart your computer. If you wish to perform additional installations, click Continue. Continue Quit Restart If you are finished, click Restart to restart your computer, or click Quit to leave the Installer. If you wish to perform additional installations, click Continue. Continue Quit If you are finished, click Quit to leave the Installer. If you wish to perform additional installations, click Continue. Continue Restart Installation was successful. You have installed software which requires you to restart your computer. If you are finished, click Restart, or if you wish to perform additional installations, click Continue. ë±çs èIóπ çƒãNìÆ ÉCÉìÉXÉgÅ[ÉãÇÕê¨å˜ÇµÇ‹ÇµÇΩÅBDZÇÃÉ\ÉtÉgÉEÉFÉAÇóLå¯Ç…Ç∑ÇÈÇ…ÇÕçƒãNìÆÇ™ïKóvÇ≈Ç∑ÅBçƒãNìÆÇÇ∑ÇÈèÍçáÇÕÅgçƒãNìÆÅhÇÅAÇΩÇæÉCÉìÉXÉgÅ[ÉâÇèIóπÇ∑ÇÈÇæÇØÇÃèÍçáÇÕÅgèIóπÅhÇÅAë±ÇØǃëºÇÃÉ{ÉäÉÖÅ[ÉÄÇ…ÉCÉìÉXÉgÅ[ÉãÇ∑ÇÈèÍçáÇÕÅgë±çsÅhÇÉNÉäÉbÉNǵǃÇ≠ÇæÇ≥Ç¢ÅB ë±çs èIóπ ÉCÉìÉXÉgÅ[ÉãÇÕê¨å˜ÇµÇ‹ÇµÇΩÅBÅgèIóπÅhÇÉNÉäÉbÉNǵǃÇ≠ÇæÇ≥Ç¢ÅBÇ‹ÇΩÇÕÅAÅgë±çsÅhÇÉNÉäÉbÉNÇ∑ÇÈÇ∆ë±ÇØǃëºÇÃÉ{ÉäÉÖÅ[ÉÄÇ…ÉCÉìÉXÉgÅ[ÉãÇ™Ç≈Ç´Ç‹Ç∑ÅB